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Caliber BP-2600 / 18u Chainsaw Overview: Specifications, Maintenance, Problems, Experience and Owner Reviews

The Caliber BP-2600/18u petrol chainsaw refers to semi-professional models and is designed for heavy loads. It can fell old and dry trees, harvest firewood and saw wood for construction purposes. Completing these tasks with the Caliber BP-2600 / 18u chainsaw will not take much time thanks to a 45 cm tire and a 3.5 HP motor.

Basic equipment, manufacturer and costs

The chainsaw caliber BP-2600/18u has Russian roots. The company’s specialists constantly strive for self-improvement and develop in accordance with global trends. The first Caliber products hit the market in 2001 and since then they have strived to produce the highest quality products at the lowest prices. That is why the tool is assembled in China using the highest quality components.

Benzinsäge Kaliber BP-2600 / 18u: Beschreibung, Eigenschaften und Nutzungsregeln

Chainsaw caliber BP-2600/18U

The price of a new chainsaw caliber BP-2600/18u ranges from 4000-5000 rubles. You can look at the used version, it will be cheaper but they are often sold due to glitches they hide. Here you have to be careful.

Chainsaw Caliber BP-2600/18u is for sale in the following configuration:

  1. Chainsaw.
  2. Tires.
  3. Chain.
  4. Case.
  5. User Manual.
  6. A set of basic tools for maintaining a chainsaw.
Benzinsäge Kaliber BP-2600 / 18u: Beschreibung, Eigenschaften und Nutzungsregeln

Chainsaw caliber BP-2600/18U: Equipment

Technical characteristics

Tire length, cm45Power (hp)3.5
Displacement, cc58Tire length, inches18
Power, kWt)2.6Class seen semi-professional
Nutbreite, mm1.3Chain pitch, inch3/8 (0.375)
Number of links64Tankinhalt, l0.55
Oil tank volume, l0.26Noise level, dB(A)110
Dimensions, mm520h270h275Weight, kg6.2
Easy StartNoIdle speed, rpm2900

Application Features

When working with the Caliber BP-2600/18u chainsaw, the operator must wear protective clothing: gloves, boots, goggles and a shield.

Husqvarna 142 specs chainsaw overview: specifications, maintenance, problems, experience and owner reviews

The correct boot order is as follows:

  1. Remove the protective cover from the tire.
  2. Unlock the chain brake by moving the brake guard to the rear position.
  3. Place the chainsaw on the ground, grasp the front handle and firmly fix the lower part of the rear handle with the tip of your right foot.
  4. Always make sure that the chain does not touch the ground and that there are no foreign objects or people nearby.
  5. Directly while working with the Caliber BP-2600/18u chainsaw, the operator must determine the place where the cut branches and trees fall, so as not to harm health or property.

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device and user manual

The BP-2600 / 18u caliber chainsaw has an installed system for easy starting due to the installed primer for pumping fuel and an electronic ignition.

The designers paid special attention to the safety of the operator. In the event of a crack, the chainsaw will stop in less than 0.15 seconds.

The handle of the Caliber BP-2600/18u chainsaw is equipped with an anti-vibration system that absorbs outgoing vibrations and reduces stress on human joints. The body of the saw is balanced, allowing for comfortable control of the device.

The automatic chain lubrication system reduces the load on this element and increases the life of the entire device.

Before using it for the first time, it is necessary to study the instruction manual, it describes the process of proper commissioning and operation of the BP-2600/18u caliber. An electronic version of this document is provided here.

Description of the main errors

The task of each owner of a Caliber chainsaw is to know how to fix the main malfunctions that may arise during operation.

If the engine does not start during operation or stops by itself:

  1. Invalid startup procedure.
  2. The spark plug has carbon deposits or improper gap setting.
  3. The air filter is clogged.
  4. Fuel spark plug missing.

If the engine starts but does not produce the required power:

  1. The air filter is clogged.
  2. The carburetor is not adjusted correctly.
  3. Wrong ratio of fuel mixture.

advantages and disadvantages

Below we will describe the main positive and negative points that distinguish the owners of caliber BP-2600 / 18u chainsaws:

  • Unexpensive;
  • Ease of use;
  • Easy setting.

And here are the disadvantages:

  • The complexity of adjusting the carburetor;
  • Not very reliable factory chain.

Video review

This video review shows a Caliber BP-2600/18u chainsaw from an online store:

Owner Feedback

Below are some reviews of owners of chainsaws Caliber BP-2600 / 18u from thematic forums:

Sergey, 31 years old, Kazakhstan:

“I liked this model. I immediately exchanged the chain for a quiet one. I took the branded oil – it’s red. Expensive, but it’s not a pity to expand the engine resource. With the main task – sawing perfectly copes. Starts easily. For a summer residence this is all, but for those who need it for professional purposes, it is better to look at another, but it will cost more.

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Alexey, 23 years old, Astrakhan:

“I got it three years ago. More than 30 m3 of wood was sawn during the work. Not suitable for small shrubs as the chain often flies. Didn’t have to go to service. Once I changed the tire and chain about a dozen times. At negative temperatures sawed pine with a diameter of 20 cm and ran like clockwork.

Pros: Low price, great performance, low maintenance.

Cons: The factory chain is not the most reliable

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