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Chainsaw and electric saws Energomash. Overview of the lineup, reviews

Chainsaws and electric saws Energomash

Energomash is a domestic manufacturer of high-quality sawing tools. In their model range there is a whole range of chainsaws that are used both in the professional and in the private sector.

Electric saws and chain saws Energomash

Energomash chainsaws are a shining example of getting quality goods at low prices.

The Energomash company is originally from Russia, but not so long ago it was bought by the German concern Sturm. As a result, it not only combines durability for use in domestic conditions, but also high German quality.

Model range of chainsaws

Energomash PT-9937B

This chainsaw model is designed for home use in rural or suburban areas. It will become an indispensable assistant when preparing firewood for the winter period for a bath or stove.

Kettensägen und elektrische Sägen Energomash. Überblick über das Lineup, Reviews

Chainsaw Energomash PT-9937B


Properties Energomash PT-9937B
Power kW 2.45
Engine volume, 37.2
tire length, cm 40.5
primer Yes
Number of links 57
chain spacing 3/8 inch
Oil tank volume, l 0.21
Tank capacity l 0.31
Weight, kg 6.45

Energomash PT-99458

This chainsaw is a representative of the semi-professional series. It can be used both privately and by small timber companies.

Kettensägen und elektrische Sägen Energomash. Überblick über das Lineup, Reviews

Chainsaw Energomash PT-99458

Energomash PT-99458 has an engine with a power of 3.26 hp. The starting process is facilitated by the presence of a primer for pumping fuel.


Properties Energomash PT-99458
Power kW 3.26
Engine volume, 45
tire length, cm 45.5
primer Yes
Number of links 72
chain spacing 0.325 in.
Oil tank volume, l 0.26
Tank capacity l 0.55
Weight, kg 8.0

Energomash PT-99451B

Compared to the previous model, this one is more powerful. It has a 3.4 hp engine. But there is no primer, so in negative temperatures it may not start the first time.

Kettensägen und elektrische Sägen Energomash. Überblick über das Lineup, Reviews

Chainsaw Energomash PT-99451B


Properties Energomash PT-99451B
Power kW 3.26
engine volume, 45
tire length, cm 45.5
primer No
Number of links 72
chain spacing 0.325 in.
Oil tank volume, l 0.26
Tank capacity l 0.55
Weight, kg 6.9

Energomash PT-9945B and PT-99458

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These two chainsaws with very similar specifications are:

  • 3.26 hp engine;
  • 72 chain links;
  • tire length – 45.5 cm;
  • The presence of a primer and an automatic system for supplying oil to the chain.

The main difference is the dimensions. P T-99458 is slightly larger, which affects its weight.


Properties Energomash PT-99458
Power kW 3.26
Engine volume, 45
tire length, cm 45.5
primer it
Number of links 72
chain spacing 0.325 in.
Öltankvolumen, l 0,26
Tankinhalt l 0,55
Gewicht, kg 8,0
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Energomash PT-99468

Diese Kettensäge ist mit einem 3,4-PS-Motor ausgestattet. Das ist schon mehr als Semi-Profis. Er kann Bäume mit einem Durchmesser von 40 bis 50 cm autonom fällen.

Kettensägen und elektrische Sägen Energomash. Überblick über das Lineup, Reviews

Kettensäge Energomash PT-99468


Eigenschaften Energomash PT-99468
Leistung kW 3,26
Motorvolumen, 45
Reifenlänge, cm 45,5
Grundierung Nein
Anzahl der Links 72
Kettenabstand 0,325 in.
Öltankvolumen, l 0,26
Tankinhalt l 0,55
Gewicht, kg 8,0

Energomash PT-99522B

Dieses Modell ist bei weitem das leistungsstärkste und teuerste (der Durchschnittspreis in Russland beträgt 6300 Rubel).

Kettensägen und elektrische Sägen Energomash. Überblick über das Lineup, Reviews

Kettensäge Energomash PT-99522B

Sein Motor hat eine Leistung von 4 PS. und schneidet selbst die härtesten Baumarten ohne großen Kraftaufwand.


Eigenschaften Energomash PT-99522B
Leistung kW 3,26
Motorvolumen, 45
Reifenlänge, cm 45,5
Grundierung Nein
Anzahl der Links 72
Kettenabstand 0,325 in.
Öltankvolumen, l 0,26
Tankinhalt l 0,55
Gewicht, kg 7,25

Modellpalette von Elektrosägen

Energomash PC-99220 und PC 99202

Energomash PC-99220 ist mit einem Motor mit einer Leistung von 2,2 kW ausgestattet. Dies ist völlig ausreichend für die regelmäßige Arbeit in einem Vorort oder einer Hütte.

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Auch findet dieses Modell häufig Anwendung bei der Pflege von Gärten und Parkanlagen.


Eigenschaften Energomash PC-99220
Leistung kW 2,2
Reifenlänge, cm 40,5
Anzahl der Links 57
Gliederstärke, mm 1,3
Kettenabstand 3/8 Zoll
Öltankvolumen, l 0,1
Gewicht, kg 7,05

Energomash PC-99160

Dies ist eine einfachere Version einer elektrischen Säge. Es hat einen Motor mit 1,6 kW. Für das Ernten von Brennholz für den Winter ist dies genau das Richtige.

Kettensägen und elektrische Sägen Energomash. Überblick über das Lineup, Reviews

Motorsäge Energomash PC-99160

Das einzige ist, dass es kein automatisches Spannen der Kette gibt und es notwendig ist, ihre Spannung zu überwachen und sie regelmäßig mit einem Schlüssel festzuziehen.


Properties Energomash PC-99160
Power kW 1.6
tire length, cm 30.5
Number of links 46
link thickness, mm 1.3
chain spacing 3/8 inch
Oil tank volume, l 0.065
weight, kg 3.7

Energomash PC-30

In terms of appearance and technical characteristics, this is a reduced electric chainsaw ПЦ-99202. The difference is the length of its hoop – only 30 cm with 45 links.

Kettensägen und elektrische Sägen Energomash. Überblick über das Lineup, Reviews

Chainsaw Energomash PC-30


Properties Energomash PC-30
Power kW 2.2
tire length, cm 30.5
Number of links 45
link thickness, mm 1.3
chain spacing 3/8 inch
Oil tank volume, l 0.11
Weight, kg 4.09
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Energomash PC-40

This model is similar to the PC-30 in its overall dimensions, but only has an increased power of up to 2.6 kW. Thanks to this, it is possible to saw any type of wood without any problems.

Kettensägen und elektrische Sägen Energomash. Überblick über das Lineup, Reviews

Chainsaw Energomash PC-40


Properties Energomash PC-40
Power kW 2.6
tire length, cm 40.5
Number of links 59
link thickness, mm 1.3
chain spacing 3/8 inch
Oil tank volume, l 0.11
weight, kg 4.9

Top models

Recently chainsaws with a power of less than 3 hp. are considered obsolete as they can be easily replaced with cheaper and easier to maintain electric models.

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The best-selling and best model is PT-99468 – this is the golden mean that can satisfy 90 percent of buyers. Since it has high performance, moderate fuel consumption, simple design and consists of reliable components.

It just doesn’t make sense to take the 99522B with you for private use, since its fuel consumption is very high and such performance is far from always needed. This chainsaw is suitable for professional companies.

Operating Instructions

Energomash chainsaws run on a 1:25 fuel mixture of oil and gasoline. The manufacturer recommends using only AI-92 gasoline and branded oil for chainsaws.

Do not use the Energomash chainsaw with a fuel mixture older than 30 days. Moisture forms in it, which leads to damage to engine parts.

Kettensägen und elektrische Sägen Energomash. Überblick über das Lineup, Reviews

Chain saw device

First steps with the Energomash chainsaw:

  • Extinguish the candle.
  • Using a syringe, pour 5-10 g branded oil for 2-stroke engines into the hole;
  • Pull the starter handle 5-10 times (this will lubricate the oil and the residue will flow out);
  • Turn the candle.
  • Start operation.

Kettensägen und elektrische Sägen Energomash. Überblick über das Lineup, Reviews

Mixing ratio of fuel

Energomash chainsaw engine break-in:

  • Pour the prepared fuel mixture in the correct ratio;
  • Start the chainsaw and let it idle for a few minutes;
  • The first three fuel tanks are not recommended to load the engine to the maximum

The operator working with the Energomash chainsaw must wear overalls: protective suit, closed shoes and goggles.

Technical Service

In order to keep the Energomash chainsaw in good working order, regular maintenance according to the user manual is necessary. This is especially true for the chain and knives, since they bear the brunt of the load.

Saw blades must be checked and sharpened regularly.

The first signs that the saw is blunt:

  • obtaining sawdust in powder form;
  • A lot of force has to be used when sawing;
  • No uniform cut;
  • Excessive vibrations during operation;
  • Too high fuel consumption.
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When sharpening cutting tools, gloves must be worn to avoid accidental cuts. You should also securely fasten the chainsaw, make sure the engine is off, and only use a properly sized round file.

Kettensägen und elektrische Sägen Energomash. Überblick über das Lineup, Reviews

Chainsaw chain sharpening

The tire should be rotated regularly to avoid excessive wear on one side. There should always be a gap between the guide and the outside of the knife. It must be checked with a ruler, if yes, then everything is fine, otherwise it should be changed or corrected.

Basic malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

When the Energomash chainsaw is not performing at full capacity:

  • Check the fuel mixture and the absence of moisture in it;
  • Check fuel and air filters and clean if necessary;
  • Check for correct carburettor setting.

If the engine is difficult to start, the following can result:

  • Incorrect proportion of fuel mixture or the presence of moisture in it;
  • The engine is filled with fuel;
  • Problems with ignition sparks.

If the chain oil passage is difficult or missing:

  • Check if the classification is correct;
  • Check that the filters are in good condition and clean them if necessary.

The most vulnerable places in Energomash chainsaws are the chain and the bar. A partial replacement or repair is not possible, only a complete replacement is necessary.

Video Rating

Overview of chainsaw Energomash PT-9937B

Overview of the chainsaw Energomash PC 99451B

Review of the Energomash PC-9952B electric saw

Owner feedback


“I chose a chainsaw for my own use, so I made the choice responsibly. I didn’t want to take an imported one because it’s much more expensive. After consulting the seller, I took Energomash PT-99468. His strength is enough for me. A similar rest costs two and a half times more. Now I use it intensively almost every day because I prepare firewood for the bath. It copes without problems, it is relatively quiet, there are no vibrations, fuel consumption is not great. Definitely recommend!”


“I have been using the Energomash chainsaw for three years. And I can say that for this price there is simply no analogue. She is a smart representative of an ordinary hard worker who is ready to work long hours and without fail. I’ve never had trouble with the details. The chain still stands natively, although at times it gave large loads. I sharpened the incisors a few times and that was it. Like it a lot. Pros: Quality parts, reliable performance, inexpensive Cons: They just don’t exist.

Champion 142 16 chainsaw overview: technical data, maintenance, problems, experience and owner reviews
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