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Husqvarna 1130STE snow blower. Overview, features, reviews

Husqvarna 1130STE snow blower

When choosing snow plows for industrial tasks, you should pay attention to the Husqvarna 1130STE model. This is one of Husqvarna’s most powerful snow plow models.

Husqvarna 1130STE Schneefräse. Übersicht, Eigenschaften, Bewertungen

Husqvarna 1130STE snow blower

The heart of the device is a four-stroke engine with a capacity of 11 liters. with. from the Briggs & Stratton winter series, for use in harsher weather conditions. The main difference between this engine is the lack of an air filter.


The Husqvarna 1130STE is a professional self-propelled snow blower. This model is perfect for cleaning large alleys and streets. The Husqvarna 1130STE was produced between 2009 and 2010. Today the production of this model is discontinued. A powerful engine that runs without an air filter is designed for intensive work in harsh conditions.

Husqvarna 1130STE Schneefräse. Übersicht, Eigenschaften, Bewertungen

Husqvarna 1130STE snow blower in use

For greater productivity, the product is equipped with a two-stage rotary vane system for collecting and ejecting snow. The maximum processing width is 76 cm, which is a significant advantage over the previous models in this line. The maximum handle height of the Husqvarna snow blower is 58.5 cm.

Air filters are used to clean the air from the dust contained in the air. When working with garden tools in summer, air filters protect the engine from dust. In winter, there is practically no abrasive dust in the air, while snow dust is released, which quickly clogs such filters. In addition, moisture quickly penetrates into the device through such holes.

The maneuverability of the snow blower is guaranteed by power steering. This function allows you to deactivate the differential lock and select the drive wheel. The fuel tank capacity of the Husqvarna 1130STE snow blower is 4 liters. Due to the fact that at low temperatures it is quite difficult to start an engine with a large fuel tank volume using a manual starter, the manufacturer added an electric starter to the design. The motor starts at the push of a button after it has been fed in from the grid.

Some of the most unstable parts are the shear bolts and the friction ring. The replacement of this spare part can only be done at a service center.

If the friction ring fails, the snow blower will continue to run, but its wheels will not spin. Most often this malfunction is due to a significant overload of the equipment.

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Engine type Gasoline
Engine power 342 cm3
Engine power 11.5 HP
Start electric starter
Tank capacity 4.0 l
Working width 76 see
Handle height 59 see
Screw diameter 30.5 see
Weight, kg 103

Instruction manual

Husqvarna snow plows require special care, storage and operating conditions. These functions are specified in the user manual that accompanies each device. During the operation of the snow blower, the operator must adhere to certain rules, monitor the direction and distance of snow throwing, as well as the speed of movement.

Husqvarna 1130STE Schneefräse. Übersicht, Eigenschaften, Bewertungen

Snow blower

For greater efficiency, it is recommended to treat areas with large snowdrifts or frozen snow twice with a snow blower.

The note! The Husqvarna 1130STE has 8 travel speeds: 6 for forward travel and 2 for forward travel. It is recommended to choose the speed of movement based on the complexity of the work.

Before starting work, the manufacturer recommends setting up the Husqvarna 1130STE snow plow for the operator.

Preparatory work includes:

  • Check tire pressure. To make transportation easier, the manufacturer significantly inflates the wheels of the snow blower. After unpacking and assembling the device, you need to lower the wheels slightly.
  • Carrying out a technical inspection. Before use, the user must ensure that all device parts, bolts and other fasteners are secure and not damaged. Shear pins are the most sensitive parts of snow plows, they prevent the snow plow walk-behind tractor from failing when bottles, stones, thick branches and other solid objects get into them.
  • Replacement of worn or defective parts;
  • Adjustment of control parts. Depending on the user’s height, it is recommended to pre-adjust the operating handle.
  • Filling up with oil or fuel.

If you use the Husqvarna 1130STE snow blower to clean large snow drifts, you can use the special pruning blades included in the kit.

The note! The manufacturer recommends draining the oil and fuel fluid at the end of the season and adhering to storage conditions.

To increase user safety during operation, the manufacturer has attached special stickers. Before starting operation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the meaning of these stickers and monitor their integrity.

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Video review

Husqvarna 1130STE snow blower overview

Owner Feedback

Kirill, Kazan:

“A year ago I bought a Husqvarna 1130STE snow blower to clear a holiday village. One of the main advantages of a snow plow is ease of operation and easy starting in subzero temperatures, which is typical for Russia. Last season we didn’t have to carry out any repairs.”

Maxim, Novosibirsk:

“After purchasing the Husqvarna 1130STE, I was convinced how big this device is. For cleaning a small suburban area – I do not recommend. This technique is perfect for small businesses that specialize in snow removal from parking lots, city squares, etc. I have been using a snow blower to clear a shopping street for over 4 years. Among the mistakes: replacing the friction ring and shear bolts after a glass bottle hit the auger. Pros: Easy to use, there is a simple starting system. Disadvantages: low performance.

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