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Husqvarna 372 XP chainsaw overview: specifications, maintenance, problems, experience and owner reviews

The Husqvarna 372 XP chainsaw is a professional saw manufactured by the Swedish company Husqvarna. The company was founded in 1689, until 1970 Husqvarna produced weapons for the Swedish army, and only in 1970 began the production of garden and construction equipment, all kinds of tools.

Kettensäge Husqvarna 372 XP - Merkmale und Vorteile des Modells

Husqvarna chainsaw 372xp

Chinese analogues from Husqvarna

Husqvarna chainsaw factories are located in Sweden, USA. To protect yourself from low-quality Chinese fakes, you must:

  • Buy a chainsaw only in large trading companies, specialized stores;
  • Pay attention to the price of a chainsaw, the original equipment is much more expensive (for the 372 XP model the price is about 50 rubles;
  • Make sure there are no additional numbers (20) after the letters XP in the model designation;
  • The original Husqvarna chainsaw has a metal plate with a serial number attached.

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Overview of the Husqvarna chainsaw model 372 XP, characteristics

Chainsaw Husqvarna 372 XP is a tool for professionals, capable of working in extreme conditions with prolonged loads. It is effective in forestry, on a construction site, in utilities. Main purpose: logging, sawing logs of large and medium diameter, sawing boards.

The weight of the Husqvarna chainsaw is 372 XP – 6.1 kg. Powerful two-stroke power plant with a capacity of 5.27 liters. With. Equipped with the X-Torq system, which ensures more complete fuel combustion, as a result: economical fuel consumption, cleaner exhaust. The chain saw starting system is facilitated by a decompression button. The foundation is missing. The air pre-treatment with the Air Injection System has two stages. Easy access to filters. Starter manual with a starter rope. Throttling is controlled semi-automatically. A damper system is provided to dampen the vibrations that occur during operation. The chain tensioner is located on the side of the chainsaw. Operator safety is ensured with a built-in chain brake, guard and chain catcher.

Important! Only the original headset may be used: a 68-link chain and an 18-inch (45 cm) guide bar.

Kettensäge Husqvarna 372 XP - Merkmale und Vorteile des Modells

Chainsaw Husqvarna 372 XP


ModelHusqvarna 372 XP
production (assembly)Sweden
The birthplace of the brandSweden
seen classProfessional
Power, hp (kW)5,27 (3,9)
Displacement, sm370,7
chain pitch, inches3 / 8
chain thickness, mm1,5
Number of links, pcs68
fuel tank volume, l0,77
Oil tank volume, l0,4
Tire length, cm (inches)45 (18)
warranty, years1
weight, kg6,1
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  1. Professional tool.
  2. Operation under extreme conditions, ready for increased loads.
  3. Increased reliability.
  4. Forged crankshaft.
  5. Powerful two-stroke engine with a capacity of 5.27 liters. With. (X-Torq system).
  6. Easy start.
  7. Built-in decompression valve.
  8. Air Injection air purification system.
  9. Anti-vibration system.
  10. Braking system.
  11. Lateral tension of the chain mechanism.
  12. Quick change filter.
  13. Maintainability.

You can also read the review of another device of this model line – chainsaw Husqvarna 140.

Husqvarna 372 XP Gas Saw Owner’s Manual

The manual accompanies each Husqvarna 372 XP chainsaw and contains the following information divided into sections:

  1. Chainsaw device, description of the assembly of the device.
  2. Features of the 372 XP professional model.
  3. Equipment.
  4. Security requirements.
  5. Ways to work.
  6. Preparation and launch of the Husqvarna chainsaw.
  7. Break-in time.
  8. Services.
  9. Problems and how to fix them.


  • Chainsaw 372 XP;
  • Original headphones;
  • Instruction;
  • Tool;
  • Oil;
  • Packaging.

Kettensäge Husqvarna 372 XP - Merkmale und Vorteile des Modells

New chainsaw Husqvarna 372xp

preparation and launch

It is important to properly prepare the fuel mixture. It is made from unleaded petrol (90, 92, 93) and original motor oil for 2-stroke power plants. Ratio 50/1 (1 liter fuel, 100 ml oil).

The procedure for starting a chainsaw is as follows:

  1. Assembly, equipment with headset, chain tension.
  2. Prepare the mixture and refuel the chainsaw with fuel.
  3. Pour chain oil into a container.
  4. Starting a petrol tool.
  5. Check the condition of the idle, braking system and lubrication of the chain.

break-in period

Break-in time – 10 hours. The main conditions for implementation:

  • Soft mode (50% power);
  • Review of the status of key systems and mechanisms;
  • Adjustment of carburetor, lubricant supply, etc.

Husqvarna 372 XP chainsaw maintenance

The service includes the following processes:

  • Chain sharpening;
  • Tire inspection (if necessary – replacement);
  • Candle service;
  • Clean/replace filter;
  • Tool cleaning after each use;
  • Adjustment work (carburetor, lubricants, etc.);
  • Refuel chainsaw, refill oil.

Kettensäge Husqvarna 372 XP - Merkmale und Vorteile des Modells

Chainsaw Husqvarna 372 XP


The saw stops, does not start:

  • The mix is ​​over, its quality is low;
  • The carburettor settings went astray;
  • The candle does not work;
  • Ignition does not work;
  • Filters are dirty;
  • Worn piston.
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Increased fuel consumption:

  • Filterwechsel erforderlich.

Recoil while working:

  • Wrong position of the other;
  • Incorrect operation.

Vibrations during operation:

  • Chain wear;
  • Filter is dirty.

Chainsaw repair

Video review

We offer you to watch a video showing the Husqvarna 372 XP chainsaw in action

Owner Feedback

Ilya, 45 years old

I’m on duty with the city’s municipal services – we cut crowns, remove old trees, sort the debris (after an emergency, etc.). This modification is heavy artillery, which is used when you need to quickly remove a thick tree from the road, clear the area of ​​​​old trees … A very powerful chainsaw that can cope with both hard and soft rocks. But for cleaning crowns it is not very convenient – it is heavy and massive, it is inconvenient to work, so another tool is taken, already Shtilevsky – also excellent.

Pros: reliable, very powerful, durable, self-repairable, spare parts are not hard to come by.

Disadvantages: heavy weight, price.

Dennis, 24 years old

I have been working in forestry for 1.5 years. Every now and then you have to reach for a Husqvarna 372 XP chainsaw – the performance is solid, it cuts through thick logs like butter, but. maybe hard. I also bought a Husqvarna for home, but not the 372 model, but the 140 model – it’s quite sufficient for household needs.

Pros: Durable, reliable, powerful.

Cons: heavy.

Sergei. 31 years

I have experience with this saw. It cuts perfectly both in the rain and in the heat, even low temperatures are no obstacle. A fairly powerful unit, reliable, withstands a daily load of 8 hours.

Pros: Durable, powerful, productive.

Cons: no.

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