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Motoblocks Khoper 1100. Technical data. Application features. Owner reviews

Description of the walk-behind tractor

1100 series motorized equipment carriers are among the most powerful from the manufacturer of the Khoper brand. This line includes models with gasoline and diesel engines, with diesel being particularly popular among farmers. Four-stroke engines from Lifan (China) are installed on motoblocks of this series. Motors are characterized by increased endurance and good service life.

Engine equipment carrier diesel Khoper 1100 6D

The series includes the following modifications:

  • Khoper 1100 6DS (diesel, power 6 hp);
  • Khoper 1100 9B (petrol, power 9 hp);
  • Khoper 1100 9BS (petrol, power 9 hp);
  • Khoper 1100 9DS (diesel, power 9 hp);
  • Khoper 1100 9B MQ (petrol, power 9 hp).

All modifications only differ slightly from one another on the outside. The main differences are in the performance and the type of fuel. The general purpose of the Khoper 1100 motor tool carrier is universal, household. They are primarily intended for tillage and agricultural use. You can work on properties of up to 80 acres or more.

Motoblöcke Khoper 1100. Technische Daten. Anwendungsfunktionen. Besitzer Bewertungen

Motor equipment carrier Khoper 1100 9B

Appointment of motoblocks Khoper 1100

  • agriculture;
  • cultivation;
  • shocking;
  • hills;
  • Planting and harvesting potatoes;
  • fertilizer;
  • sowing;
  • irrigation;
  • Transport of goods, building materials, crops;

When connecting the adapter, the walk-behind tractor can be transformed into a kind of small tractor. Some farmers even convert walk-behind tractors into small tractors with their own hands, allowing the machine to carry not only cargo, but also an operator.

Motoblöcke Khoper 1100. Technische Daten. Anwendungsfunktionen. Besitzer Bewertungen

Motor equipment carrier Khoper 1100 9BS


  • Compatibility with the mass of attachments, additional attachments of motoblocks Oka, Neva, Salyut, Ugra, Cascade and others are suitable for them;
  • compact size;
  • the choice of a car with a gasoline or diesel engine;
  • a small number of glitches;
  • large wheels on all models in the series;
  • comfortable operating handle with jumper.

The average cost of motoblocks of the 1100 series is 59 rubles. Used models can be purchased at a price of 40-50 thousand rubles.

Technical characteristics

Below are the technical characteristics of each model in the Khoper 1100 series:

Overview of wheels, lugs, couplings for MTZ engine blocks. Homemade designs. Video reviews

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Change Engine type and power most important features
Khoper 1100 6DS (diesel) Diesel, 6 HP LIFAN178F Field depth: 15 – 30 cm;

cultivation width: 80-110 cm

3 speeds (2/1 reverse);

Start manual + electric

Khoper 1100 9BS Petrol, 9 HP, LIFAN177F Field depth: 15 – 30 cm;

cultivation width: 80-135 cm

3 speeds (2/1 reverse);

Start manual + electric

Khoper 1100 6D (diesel) Diesel, 6 HP, LIFAN178F Field depth: 15 – 30 cm;

cultivation width: 80-110 cm

3 speeds (2/1 reverse);

manual start

Khoper 1100 9B MQ Petrol, 9 HP, LIFAN177F Field depth: 15 – 30 cm;

cultivation width: 80-135 cm

3 speeds (2/1 reverse);

manual start

Khoper 1100 9B Petrol, 9 HP, LIFAN177F Field depth: 15 – 30 cm;

cultivation width: 80-135 cm

3 speeds (2/1 reverse);

manual start

Weight of the engine blocks of this series: from 78 to 130 kg.

Application Features

The Khoper 1100 Power Equipment Carrier Package includes the following components:

  • walk-behind tractor in packaged form;
  • instruction;
  • two pneumatic wheels;
  • complete knife set;
  • mounting kit.
Motor equipment carrier Khoper 1100 9D

Application features:

  • on dense soils and virgin soil, use weighting agents together with a plow, the most difficult areas can be worked several times;
  • in winter, the coolant is drained at night and poured again immediately before use;
  • Start smoothly, without effort on the clutch handle;
  • must be run in before starting up at full power;

The break-in period can be conditionally divided into three phases: idling for 5 minutes in each gear; 1/3 charge (8 hours), 2/3 charge (12 hours). At the end of the running-in period, you can carry out any work and fully load the walk-behind tractor.

The device of walk-behind tractors of the 1100 line is externally almost identical to other modifications: large protective wings, opener, carrying handle, support footboard, large wheels with relief.

Video review of the work

Homemade potato spoon for the Khoper walk-behind tractor

Owner Feedback


I have been using Diesel 1100 9DS for the third year. There has never been a breakdown during the operation, but we work with it carefully and carefully. Don’t compare with the Neva I worked on before, just heaven and earth.

Advantages: powerful, productive, easy to assemble and use.

Disadvantages: The mowing flange is not attached very well, only four screws.

The rest of the settings are great. I recommend the diesel version!

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