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Motor equipment carrier Tselina NMB-901. Overview, features, reviews

Motor equipment carrier Tselina NMB-901

Motor equipment carrier Tselina NMB-901 is one of the most popular models in the line. Its popularity is due to the high performance of the device. A gasoline engine is installed on the walk-behind tractor, the power of which is 9 horsepower. This model is the most powerful in the entire line of walk-behind tractors. Despite the classic number of gears (three, one of which is reverse), NMB-901 is in great demand among farmers.

Motorgeräteträger Tselina NMB-901. Übersicht, Eigenschaften, Bewertungen

Motor equipment carrier Tselina NMB-901

The production purpose of the device is to work on construction sites up to 80 hectares. Thanks to the weight of 123 kg. The walk-behind tractor copes perfectly with both complex soils and soft black soils; the functionality of this model is quite extensive.

Purpose of the Tselina NMB-901 motor equipment carrier:

  • Plowing soils of any complexity, working with virgin soil, clay soils;
  • cultivator function;
  • sowing;
  • plant potatoes;
  • Dig up root crops;
  • work with a seeder;
  • soil fertilizer;
  • Spraying with herbicides;
  • work with a trolley, trailer, adapter;
  • Cleaning of household plots.

The basic equipment of Celina NMB-901 provides for the following elements: a walk-behind tractor packed in a cardboard box, a pair of pneumatic wheels, an instruction manual for the walk-behind tractor, an engine manual.

Technical characteristics

The technical parameters of the NMB-901 are an order of magnitude higher than those of the analogues of the NMB series.

Features of the NMB-901 engine block:

  • The cylinder diameter is 77 mm, the piston stroke is 58 mm.
  • The volume of the cylinder is 270 cc.
  • The maximum torque is 15.5 Nm.
  • fuel consumption at the level of 374 g / kW / h.
  • There is a relief pattern on the wheels that prevents slipping even on virgin ground.
  • Number of gears: 3 (one of which is backwards).
  • Machine length 136 cm, width without additional wings 70 cm, with wings – 100 cm, height – 134 cm.
  • The weight of the machine is 123 kg (dry weight is indicated, excluding fueling and additional equipment).
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Application and device

The arrangement of the main components in the Tselina NMB series engine blocks is the same – the open position of the fuel tank and engine. Model 901 has large 5×12 wheels that can distribute the weight of the unit and withstand the load on the axles.

Motorgeräteträger Tselina NMB-901. Übersicht, Eigenschaften, Bewertungen

Tselina motor equipment carrier device

Features of the Tselina NMB-901 walk-behind tractor:

  • steel gears;
  • Clutch in oil bath, the crankcase is also filled with oil;
  • no straps (quick wear is excluded);
  • Lifan 177F engine with overhead cylinder valves;

Motorgeräteträger Tselina NMB-901. Übersicht, Eigenschaften, Bewertungen

Gasoline engine LIFAN 177F
  • engine resource is designed for many years of operation;
  • there is a PTO shaft;
  • Combination with any attachments of domestic walk-behind tractors of similar weight class;
  • the maximum load capacity for this class is 500 kg;
  • the steering wheel is adjustable;
  • manual start – as smooth and convenient as possible;
  • When disassembled (without control handle), the walk-behind tractor takes up little space and is very convenient to transport.
  • on the front of the case there is a holder for hand carrying;
  • the kit includes a share – with its help the depth of immersion of the plow into the ground is regulated;
  • Permissible connection devices: snow blower, bucket tipper, mower, feed squeezer, hiller, cleaning brush, potato digger, potato planter.
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Betreiben Sie das Gerät gemäß den Anweisungen: Das Gerät muss betriebsbereit, vollständig montiert und mit ausreichendem Öl- und Kraftstoffstand ausgestattet sein. Empfohlenes Öl für Benzinmotoren, zum Beispiel Ravenol.

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Mit diesem Öl wird der Einachsschlepper nach der Montage im Werk nachgefüllt. Benzin: AI-92. Die Einlaufzeit ist Standard: von 5 bis 15 Stunden.


Überblick über den handgeführten Traktor NMB-901

Überblick über den Kupplungsreparaturprozess am handgeführten Traktor NMB-901

Übersicht über die Reduzierung des Lenksäulenspiels bei NMB-901



„Vor drei Jahren haben meine Eltern einen für ihre Datscha gekauft. Ein Grundstück von 6 Hektar, es werden keine kollektiven Bauerngärten bewirtschaftet. Für die ganze Zeit gab es keine Pannen, entweder hatten wir so viel Glück oder einfach nur ein cooles Auto. Im Ernst, es fällt mir ein bisschen schwer mit ihm, da er 100 kg wiegt und ich viel kleiner bin. Vor drei Jahren haben sie 45 dafür bezahlt, ich denke, jetzt ist es billiger. Im Allgemeinen ein guter, leistungsstarker und zuverlässiger handgeführter Traktor.

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