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Patriot PS Series Snow Blowers Special Features

Patriot ps series snow blowers are devices designed for snow removal in different areas and under different weather conditions. Patriot’s PS series includes models with gasoline and electric engines. The power distribution of gasoline snow blowers is 2.7 – 9 HP. According to the type of start, Patriot PS series snow blowers can be divided into manual, electric and mains powered snow blowers.

The main purpose of Patriot’s PS series snow blowers is domestic and semi-professional use on areas of up to 800 square meters. Snow blowers in the model series are designed for cleaning thick and fresh snow. They are used in summer cottages, on the territory of public utilities, on personal plots, as well as on any flat surface on which a snow blower can drive.

On the manufacturer’s official website, the owner of the Patriot snow plow can download the instructions for the existing equipment and study the range of representatives of the model range. Further down in the review we will take a closer look at what the Patriot PS series snow blowers look like and what their technical parameters are.

Schneefräsen der Patriot PS-Serie – Besondere Merkmale

Snow blower Patriot

Description of the Patriot PS series model range – description, photos of snow blower models, technical data

Patriot’s PS series snow blowers include a wide range of vehicles, with each unit designed for different tasks based on the ratio of power, durability and the area that needs to be cleared of snow.

Patriot PS 2300E

The Patriot PS 2300E electric snow blower has the smallest power in the PS series, namely 2.7 HP. It is used for simple tasks of clearing a thin layer of snow, the range of snow ejection is only 5 m, the power in W is 2000, the weight of the machine is only 13.3 kg.

Schneefräsen der Patriot PS-Serie – Besondere Merkmale

Snow blower Patriot PS 2300E

Video about the snow plow Patriot PS 2300 E

Husqvarna ST 261E snow blower. Overview, features, reviews

Patriot PS-521

Gasoline snow blower Patriot PS-521 with a power of 6.5 hp It can be called the manufacturer’s standard, since a fairly large number of snow plow models from different Patriot series have the same power. The machine focuses on simple tasks, clears small and medium-sized areas of moderate density snow, has 5 forward gears and 2 reverse gears. The weight of the Patriot PS-521 snow blower is 83 kg, the starting type is manual starter.

Schneefräsen der Patriot PS-Serie – Besondere Merkmale

Snow blower Patriot PS 521

Patriot PS-621

The Patriot PS-621 Gasoline Snow Blower is a snow blower specifically designed for moderate snow removal loads. The power of the machine is 6.5 hp. The manufacturer is currently no longer producing this model. The snow blowers that are on sale or remain in use weigh 83 kg. and five speed modes. The machine is started with a manual starter.

Schneefräsen der Patriot PS-Serie – Besondere Merkmale

Snow blower Patriot PS 621

Video about the snow plow Patriot PS-621

Patriot PS-700

The Patriot PS-700 Snow Blower is a popular mid-performance model that features a metal auger to break through thick ice crusts or icy snow. The snow blower of this model is very popular among buyers of this equipment. The weight of the machine is 71 kg. Features of the model are: high maneuverability, simple design, manual starter.

Schneefräsen der Patriot PS-Serie – Besondere Merkmale

Patriot PS 700 snow blower

Video of the snow blower Patriot PS-700

You can find more details about this model in the article “Description of the snow blower model Patriot Garden PS 700«

Patriot PS710E

Patriot snow blower model with 200V electric starter. The device can work in severe frosts, start without problems and perform its functions effectively. The power of the Patriot PS 710E snow blower is 6.5 HP and the weight is 71 kg. Distinctive features of this machine: 6 speeds, including 2 at the rear, a 56 cm wide bucket, rather modest dimensions and excellent maneuverability.

Schneefräsen der Patriot PS-Serie – Besondere Merkmale

Snow blower Patriot PS 710Е

Patriot ps 710-e electric snow blower video

Patriot PS-731

Patriot PS-731 – snow blower standard power 6.5 HP It is unique in that some body parts are lighter than other models. Equipped with hand starter, has a bucket width of 55 cm, weighs 83 kg. Differs in positive reviews and has a good reputation among owners.

Schneefräsen der Patriot PS-Serie – Besondere Merkmale

Patriot PS 731 snow blower

Patriot PS751E

The Patriot PS 751E is a popular electric start snow blower. The snow is cleared in two stages with augers, and it can even handle a thick crust of ice. For the convenience of the owner, the snow blower is equipped with a headlight. The power of the device is 6.5 hp.

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Snow blower Patriot PS 751Е

Patriot PS791E

The Patriot PS 791E is a versatile and record-breaking model. The snow blower has been popular with buyers since its release to this day. The reason for this popularity: rich functionality, in particular a headlight for work in the evening or at night, starting from the mains, as well as a high-quality Chinese four-stroke Loncin engine with a power of 6.5 hp. Snow blower bonus: extended bucket length 62 cm. The weight of this snow blower is 84 kg.

Schneefräsen der Patriot PS-Serie – Besondere Merkmale

Snow blower Patriot PS 791Е

Patriot PS 888S

The Patriot PS 888S is a snow blower with three important features. It is supplied for sale with various accessories, namely: a brush, a waste container, a scraper. Among owners, the Patriot PS 888S is better known as a sweeper. The technique can be used at any time of the year, not just winter. Snow blower parameters: power 6.5 HP, brush 60 cm wide, manual starter, average weight, only 75 kg. The model is easy to handle and quite maneuverable. Suitable for home use.

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Snow blower Patriot PS 888S

Video review of the snow blower Patriot PS 888S

Patriot PS911

The Patriot PS 911 is a heavy-duty snow blower designed to perform large-scale snow removal and snow debris removal tasks. Used successfully in intensive mode, can work for up to 3 hours without interruption. The engine power of this snow blower is 9 HP. The manufacturer “Patriot” produces a model similar in parameters with electric engine start – hp 911e.

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Patriot PS 911 snow blower

Patriot PS 921 and PS 921E

The Patriot PS 921 snow blower is one of the brand’s robust and powerful models. Equipped with Zongshen ZS177F 9 HP engine. The snow is thrown out through a chute, the machine has a turning function and 7 speeds. Due to the optimal combination of technical parameters and a successful design, the model is one of the most popular in the PS series. Shovel width 62 cm, weight 82 kg.

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The PS 921E snow blower is similar to its gasoline counterpart, but has its own unique characteristics, namely:

  • electric starter;
  • bearing;
  • bronze gear.

The performance of the PS 921 E snow blower is also 9 HP and weighs 87 kg.

Schneefräsen der Patriot PS-Serie – Besondere Merkmale

Patriot PS 921 snow blower

Patriot PS 2200E

Patriot PS 2200E refers to low-power models exclusively for non-intensive household use. It has a power of 2.7 horsepower and a weight of 12 kg. Differs in its compact dimensions and low weight. The power of such a snow blower is 2000 watts. The shovel has a width of 50 cm. Currently, the snow blower of this modification is not available, the model is outdated.

Schneefräsen der Patriot PS-Serie – Besondere Merkmale

Snow blower Patriot PS 2200Е

You can also read the description of the series of snow blowers Patriot Siberia.

Patriot PS snow blower accessories

In order to improve the conditions for operating snow blowers and increase the comfort of equipment owners, the Patriot manufacturer produces additional equipment for snow blowers, namely for the PS 888S snow blower model. This additional equipment includes the following items:

  • SN 60 – scraper;
  • DC 60 – waste container;
  • SA 56 is a rotating snow blower.

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This equipment allows the owner of the machine to operate it at any time of the year.

Owner reviews of Patriot snow blower models

   Nikita, Kamenets-Podolsky:

“I use the compact and practical Patriot ps 2200e in my household. So far I have not found a better helper for me in winter.

Pros: Easy to start, works well, very easy to maintain. I assembled it myself following the instructions. If you don’t know, the instructions can also be downloaded from the Patriot website. I highly recommend this model if you have a small garden and want to keep it tidy in winter.

Disadvantages: None found.

    Natalia, Gorenka:

“I gave my husband a gift for our wedding anniversary and gave him a snow blower. I chose the Patriot ps 2300 e model because at that time I only had a certain amount and no more. I bought it, gave it as a gift, I was very worried, but you know, it turned out to be in the black. The car is really simple, but it has been working in the winter for two years now. We don’t complain and give the manufacturer a high rating. Thank you for the au pair!”

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