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Stihl 211-MS chainsaw overview: technical data, maintenance, problems, experience and owner reviews


Chainsaw rest 211 ms with be – A modern model of household saw for garden maintenance, for example for trimming branches, dead bushes and other plants. The chainsaw is also successfully used for felling trees, felling trees with a diameter of 30-40 cm, optimal operation of the chainsaw.

Überblick über die Motorsäge Stihl 211-MS. Spezifikationen, Beschreibung, Betriebs- und Wartungsanweisungen

Chainsaw Stihl 211-MS

The power of the Stihl 211 ms chainsaw is 1700 watts. The displacement of the cylinder is 35.2 cm³. The power of the saw allows you to use the tool on the territory of private gardens, in gardens, on small park plantings. The tool is also suitable for utility work. The chainsaw may only be used outdoors. This model managed to collect a large number of good reviews, especially in terms of the quality of assembly and cut.

The Stihl 211 ms chainsaw at a glance with be:

basic equipment

Basic equipment chainsaw stihl 211 ms:

  • disassembled saw (saw part + body);
  • User Manual;
  • warranty card;
  • packaging.

Assembly and production of chain saws: USA. The cost of the original Calm 211 ms chainsaw is 7429 UAH. The model is one of Stihl’s mid-priced products and is priced better than less powerful counterparts. Fakes of this chainsaw are rare on the market, as a rule, such copies are made in China.

Technical features

Technical characteristics of the chainsaw stihl 211 ms:

  • the weight of the saw is 4.3 kg;
  • idle speed / maximum – 2800/10000 per minute;
  • tire length – 35 cm;
  • Chain type – Stihl Oilomatic Picco Micro 3, in 3/8 increments;
  • fuel tank volume – 270 ml;
  • vibration level — 3.5 m/s2;
  • Noise level 113 dB.
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Überblick über die Motorsäge Stihl 211-MS. Spezifikationen, Beschreibung, Betriebs- und Wartungsanweisungen

Use and maintenance instructions

Rules for the maintenance and operation of the chainsaw Stihl 211 ms:

  • Use protective equipment when working with a chainsaw.
  • Make sure the tool is assembled according to the instructions and filled with fuel and lubricants.
  • Do not work indoors with a chainsaw.
  • regularly check the serviceability of the tool;
  • Carry out maintenance according to the schedule: adjust the carburetor once a year, clean the fuel filter every three months, tension the chain systematically, keep the chainsaw clean.

Download the instruction manual Stihl 211-MS

The main disturbances of Calm 211-ms and their elimination

  1. The deterioration in the quality of the cut makes the cut “tight”. Cause: The chain tension is loose or the chain is blunt. Remedy: Tighten chain, check condition and degree of sharpness, sharpen worn chain or replace with new one.
  2. The chainsaw is too hot. Reason: processing, overload. Remedy: Use the tool according to the instructions. Excessive use of a chainsaw does not have the best effect on the engine.

Video review of the model

Owner feedback

“Saw Calm 211 ms was bought a year ago, then it cost me about 11 rubles or maybe more, I don’t remember exactly. I work as a roofer and often deal with wood, beams, etc. Professionals will understand me. So after a year of operation I have nothing to complain about! The chainsaw works really well, but they rarely complain about being quiet. I read some reviews when people buy a Chinese analogue, it seems like a quiet case, but in fact it is cheap and the performance is half.

I advise you to carefully check the product for authenticity, then buy a really cool instrument.

Advantages: light, comfortable, perfectly cuts any type of wood, starts up quickly and works trouble-free. I use it very often, I can say that I have never had any junk.

Disadvantages: As with any chainsaw, these are exhaust fumes. Everything else is great.”

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