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Taiga BP-3850 chainsaw – device description

The Taiga BP-3850 chainsaw belongs to the household class of tools, as evidenced by its operational characteristics. The Taiga BP-3850 model is equipped with a powerful engine, which allows it to be used for various types of work. The tool is useful primarily for harvesting and sawing firewood, pruning garden trees and various works related to the repair and construction of residential and farm buildings.

  • Powerful (5.3 hp) high-revving engine;
  • availability of effective vibration protection;
  • Balanced body design;
  • Keyless access to air cleaner;
  • Unregulated saw set lubrication system;
  • Starter with EasyStart function “easy start”;
  • The engine is adapted to low fuel quality.
Kettensäge Taiga BP-3850 - Gerätebeschreibung

Chainsaw Taiga BP-3850

Description of chainsaw Taiga BP-3850

Taiga is a fairly popular Russian brand that has become famous in the market for its tools for everyday use. However, the company has no production facilities in Russia. Production of taiga chainsaws, as well as other gardening tools under this logo, is localized in China, although you can read about the Russian origin in the product passport. The situation with warranty and post-warranty maintenance of Taiga equipment is also not very clear. Many owners of chainsaws claim that there is no service in the post-Soviet space.

The BP-3850 chainsaw, like other chainsaws from this manufacturer, is equipped with Russian and Chinese parts, although some models may have installed a Walbro carburetor made in Japan. The information about the chrome-plated piston group is also incorrect, in fact it is made of an aluminum alloy.

It should be noted that the popularity of this manufacturer’s products is largely associated with reasonable prices. Today, the Taiga BP-3850 chainsaw can be bought in Russia at a price of 4 rubles. This model will cost the Ukrainian buyer 000-1 hryvnia.

  • Russian language manual, passport and warranty card;
  • The body of the product with a gasoline engine;
  • saw sword, 450 mm long;
  • Protective cases made of plastic for storage and transport;
  • Saw Chain Pitch – .325″;
  • Set of universal assembly keys;
  • Plastic measuring tank for mixing fuel.
Kettensäge Taiga BP-3850 - Gerätebeschreibung

Chainsaw Taiga BP-3850 – equipment

Technical characteristics

Type: semi-professional
Engine type: Single cylinder 2-stroke
Power source: Gasoline A-92/95
Performance: 3.85 kW / 5.2 hp
Engine volume: 52 cm3
Beginning: manually
Tank volume: 550 ml
Oil tank volume: 260 ml
Type of cooling: antenna
Engine idle speed: 3400 rpm
Maximum speed: 10000 rpm
Oil pump type: automatic
Tire length: 45 see
chain pitch: 0.325″
chain width: 0.058″
Noise level: 110.0 (dB)
Weight: 6.1 kg
Производитель: Russia

Husqvarna 135 mark 2 vs Stihl ms 211 vs Stihl ms 180 - Which chainsaw is better?

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When buying a Taiga BP-3850 chainsaw, you will receive a package of documents in which technical specifications, details and operating instructions for this device are available. The manufacturer hasn’t put the full manual online, so we’ll just have to content ourselves with information from the sellers of these chainsaws.

It also invites you to look at an overview of the Interskol chainsaw range.

Unpack and get ready for use

You will receive a fully operational unit. The new owner has to mount the saw kit, fill the fuel and fill the automatic lubrication system.

Kettensäge Taiga BP-3850 - Gerätebeschreibung

Taiga BP-3850
  • Unscrew the fastening nuts and remove the side protective cover from the chainsaw body;
  • Install the tire on the chocks, insert the chain into the groove of the tire and put it on the drive sprocket.

Important: Make sure that the cutting edges of the teeth point towards the drive pinion.

  • Attach the protective cover and the saw set to the body of the product;
  • Using a mounting screwdriver, adjust the tension of the chain so that the links do not sag, but the chain itself rotates easily on the tire without making any noise and without stopping.
  • Tighten the fixing nuts until they stop;
  • Check the reliability of fastening of all components and parts, correct if necessary;
  • Refuel your Taiga BP-3850 chainsaw.

Important: In der ersten Phase des Einfahrens des Motors wird ein Kraftstoffgemisch aus Motoröl für Zweitaktmotoren und Benzin AI92-95 mit hoher Oktanzahl im Verhältnis 1/25 verwendet. Künftig beträgt das Verhältnis 1/50, sofern vom Ölhersteller nicht anders empfohlen.

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  • Start the automatic lubrication system of the saw set.

Important: Zur Schmierung von Arbeitsflächen sollte hochwertiges Haftöl mit erhöhtem Viskositätsindex verwendet werden, das sowohl bei hohen als auch bei niedrigen Temperaturen eine zuverlässige Schmierung bietet.

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  • Check the chainsaw for fuel and oil leaks, if any, repair them immediately;
  • Turn on the ignition, fill up with fuel, pull the throttle and start the engine.

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The main advantages and disadvantages of the chainsaw Taiga BP-3850


  • economy price;
  • Powerful, unpretentious engine;
  • Relatively low weight (5.5 kg);
  • Convenient location of management tools;
  • Effective protection against rebound and vibration;
  • Easy to maintain and repair.
Kettensäge Taiga BP-3850 - Gerätebeschreibung

Chainsaw Taiga


  • Poor quality plastic on the case;
  • In the basic configuration, a weak hoop and chain;
  • Lack of authorized warranty and post-warranty service centers.

Video rating

Household saw for domestic use

Review and verification of the real owner of the chainsaw Taiga BP-3850

Chainsaw Taiga BP-3850: fully equipped and ready to use

Owner Feedback

Andrey Chernin, 31 years old, Kursk region

After buying a dacha, the question of buying a chainsaw arose, as there were many repairs to be done and the garden was dilapidated. There wasn’t much money, so I decided on a budget model, took the Taiga BP-3850. Not only the price attracted me, but also the attractive appearance and the powerful engine. Overall a good tool but requires careful maintenance. I immediately went over, lubricated some parts and tightened the weakened fasteners. For a couple of seasons there were no special problems, but she is afraid of frost because of the plastic. It is quite brittle and begins to crack at temperatures below 20 C0.

   Valery Anisimov, 47 Primorsky Krai

Chainsaw Taiga BP-3850 bought three years ago on the recommendation of the seller. He advertised the product claiming that this chainsaw was of Russian origin. As it turned out later, it was a lie. The device is made in China. At the same time, it has a very powerful engine that allows you to saw logs with a diameter of up to 60 centimeters. It should be noted that the chainsaw has a relatively low weight and a fairly effective anti-vibration system.

Yuri Baskakov, 53 years old, Tver region

This is my second year with this saw. Bought because of the price and the powerful motor. I understood that for this money it will not be possible to purchase something of very high quality. In general, the Taiga BP-3850 chainsaw met my expectations. When all is well, he cuts trees of any race like butter. However, there are also many problems. During the period of operation I changed the starter, tyres, chain and drive sprocket. Pretty impressive outputs I think.

Advantages: Preis, Aussehen, starker Motor.

Disadvantages: schwache Kette und Reifen, schlechte Montage, Anlasser und Antriebsstern mussten gewechselt werden.

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