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Overview of the compact tractor Centaur T-15. Basic equipment, technical characteristics, application and maintenance features


Compact tractor Centaur T-15 is a model with unique parameters, one of the most popular models from the manufacturer Centaur. It differs from price analogues in that it has two hydraulic circuits. This function makes it possible to work with two attachments at the same time. Available hydraulic hoists, their floating position and ground penetration.

Überblick über den Kleintraktor Centaur T-15. Grundausstattung, technische Eigenschaften, Anwendungs- und Wartungsmerkmale

Compact tractor Centaur T-15

The Centaur T15 compact tractor is equipped with a Japanese Kama diesel engine. The average consumption of diesel fuel per hour is 700 g. The engine is cooled by liquid cooling. Actual engine power is 15 hp. This makes the Centaur T15 perfect for cultivating areas of 10-25 hectares or more (subject to farm regulations).

The purpose of the Centaur T15 small tractor is as follows:

  • agricultural work of any kind;
  • cleaning work;
  • transport function;
  • sprinkler function;
  • dispersion of fertilizers;
  • digging and planting root crops;
  • Utility work (e.g. snow clearance, work with shovel tippers or snow blowers);
  • Working with a bulldozer shovel (traction class is taken into account).

The compact tractor Centaur T15 especially stands out from analogues from other manufacturers with its ease of maintenance, performance and moderate cost of diesel fuel. Use any good quality diesel fuel to fill up the compact tractor. Ideally, the fuel should be allowed to sit for 48 hours before use.

Überblick über den Kleintraktor Centaur T-15. Grundausstattung, technische Eigenschaften, Anwendungs- und Wartungsmerkmale

Compact tractor Centaur T-15

Basic equipment of the compact tractor Centaur T15

Basic equipment of the compact tractor Centaur T15:

  • assembled and operational small tractor;
  • cruise control (or “manual throttle”);
  • three-position hydraulic system;
  • electric starter;
  • parking light;
  • headlights;
  • two rear-view mirrors;
  • a set of spare parts;
  • wheels – 4 units;
  • alarm system;
  • product documents;
  • Warranty card.
Small tractors Belarus MTZ 152N. Equipment, applications, reviews

The running-in procedure for a compact tractor is an important part of commissioning. Modern models are often run in directly in the factory or the first use takes place at the same place in the factory. When you buy it, ask the seller if the compact tractor is broken in. If not, do it yourself according to the attached guide.

Überblick über den Kleintraktor Centaur T-15. Grundausstattung, technische Eigenschaften, Anwendungs- und Wartungsmerkmale

Compact tractor Centaur T-15

Technical characteristics

The Centaur T15 compact tractor was designed to work on light soils, sand or black earth without excessive moisture. Due to the engine power, it can be operated on plots up to 2 hectares. The load capacity of the machine is 1500 kg. It is not recommended to exceed this mark to avoid overloading the motor.

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The track of the small tractor is not adjustable, its width is 1000 mm. Engine XT15 Kama. Displacement 694 cm8, one cylinder. The engine is lubricated by an oil pump. The small tractor is started with the help of an electric starter. Belt drive, disc clutch. Speed ​​mode: XNUMX gears, including two reverse gears.

The weight of the compact tractor is 610 kg. Length – 2520mm, width – 1360mm, height – 1300mm. The maximum transport speed is 40 km/h, the minimum working speed, for example for work with a plow or cutting machine, is 2 km/h.

The ground clearance is 28 cm and the wheel formula is 4×2. Rear wheel size: 6.50-16, front wheel size: 4.00-12. The warranty period is 12 months.

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Features of use and maintenance

Centaur T15 has the following technical features:

  • The motor is made of durable alloys (no powder raw materials), so its service life is much longer than that of cheap Chinese motors.
  • The liquid cooling system allows the compact tractor to run continuously for 9 hours or more;
  • low engine speeds save diesel fuel, it is needed less and the performance of the machine remains the same;
  • the engine has a fuel sprayer that reduces the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere and contributes to the complete combustion of the combustible mixture;
  • three positions of the hydraulic distributor;
  • forced deepening allows not to use weighting agents;
  • lower position of the hydraulic cylinder;
  • there is no forced locking of the differential;
  • the ability to work in low and high gear;
  • the knife drive is equipped with a double chain;
  • a wide range of attachments from Centaur and other manufacturers;
  • bilateral connection of folding equipment.

Before each working season, the owner must change the oil, visually inspect the compact tractor, clean the surfaces and tighten all the bolts. The oil should be changed regularly to ensure the life of the engine and the functionality of the device.

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video review of the work

Owner feedback

Alexander, Homel:

“This machine is for small businesses. I write it as it is, I was unlucky and got a weak model, I drew it myself where possible. The trailer was used several times: transported fertilizer to the construction site, transported firewood. I have the impression that I didn’t buy a new model, but a used one. Now, while I’m in the garage, I’ll lock up. Rating three with a minus.

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