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Overview of the Shtenli 1030 PRO walk-behind tractor. Technical characteristics. Device. User manual


Motor equipment carrier Shtenley 1030 is manufactured in Germany, which already speaks for the high quality of the products and the latest technical characteristics.

Motor equipment carrier Shtenli 1030 pro

This machine is equipped with a four-stroke gasoline engine with a power of 8.5 horsepower and is designed to process a medium-sized area of ​​5 hectares. Its operating temperature is maintained by forced air cooling.

The engine is started with a manual starter. If necessary, it is possible to install a battery and an electric starter.

Technical characteristics

Manufacturer Schtenli
Manufacturing Germany
Type Gasoline
Differential yes
Displacement, cc 277
Power, HP 8.5
Power kW 6.6
Start system manual
Wheel size 6 × 12
Transfer 2 forward, 1 back
processing depth, mm 150 – 300
detection width, mm 900
Cooling Air
Weight, kg 140
Guarantee 24 months
Importer TouchInfo Group LLC, Minsk, St. Tschishevsky, 172
Service Center Minsk, St. Prushinsky, 2a
Factory manufacturer Transnet Logistik GmbH, Belgische Straße 1, 15234 Frankfurt Oder, Germany

Application Features

If you are the owner of a new Stanley 1030 walk-behind tractor, before starting work, you must assemble the device (according to the operating instructions) and run it in:

  • Fill fuel and oil;
  • Warm up the engine at idle;
  • Shifting should be smooth and effortless;
  • During the first tillage, the machine should be operated at half maximum power;
  • Change the oil after running in.
Motor equipment carrier Shtenli 1030 pro

Shtenli 1030 per device

The Shtenley 1030 motoblock is equipped with differentials, which greatly facilitate the control of the device.

Thanks to the presence of a halogen headlight, it is possible to work even in the dark.

Adapters and trailers for MTZ engine blocks. Device models. Homemade options, video reviews and ratings

The Stanley 1030 walk-behind tractor is equipped as standard with 6.5 × 12 pneumatic tires with a high and aggressive profile, which ensure the passage of the device even on the most difficult soils.

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5×12, 6×12 or 7×12 wheels can be mounted as an option.

And here is a video review of the sequence of correct assembly of the walk-behind tractor:

Instruction manual Stenley 1030

Every new owner should study the instruction manual. It describes the principle of operation of the Shetenley 1030 walk-behind tractor, the rules for its assembly, maintenance and correct operation. It’s better to spend a little time studying the owner’s manual than to make expensive repairs later.


To keep Stanley walk-behind tractors in operating condition, regular maintenance should be performed in accordance with the owner’s manual.

  • After completing the work, be sure to clean the device of any dirt, dust and moisture residue. Due to their long accumulation, the walk-behind tractor can quickly begin to rust.
  • The fuel and air filters must be monitored and cleaned every 5 hours of operation because if they become clogged, engine operation will stop.
  • The engine oil must be changed every 25 hours of operation. The use of 10W-30 is recommended for this.
  • Transmission oil must be changed twice a year: in autumn and in spring.

Video overview of Shetenley’s work 1030

Here is a video review of the Shtenli 1030 walk-behind tractor:

Owner Feedback

Here is what the owners of the Stanley 1030 walk-behind tractor write on thematic forums:


“I bought Shetenley for my parents. After assembling it, I found that the bike runs in a figure eight. They promised to replace it under warranty. I took it for my property of 8 acres. Light was not initially furychile. On the one hand, it’s nice, all the wires and cables dangle around and are not fixed in any way. You say there is a differential fitted, but is it ok that it is of normal quality and half the cost of a Stanley 1030? The quality may be German, but the feeling of having been collected at the Russian-Chinese border does not subside.

Pro: Guarantee?

Disadvantages: In the test »

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