How to use a chainsaw
Working on your own property is much easier with various garden tools, which are now available in large numbers on the market. One of these tools is a chainsaw, which is used for shaping a crown on trees, trimming branches, felling trees, and cutting logs. Thanks to its functionality, the chainsaw can be used not only in the garden, but also during construction.
A simple design is a motor, tire and chain. Sawing is done by sharp teeth located on the chain. An important role in the operation of the saw is played by the tensioner, the chain lubrication system and the chain brake. The tensioner plays the role of compensating for the stretching that occurs during operation.
Chain lubrication is essential for quality and trouble-free operation. The advantage of modern models is that lubrication is automatic.
The chain brake serves to ensure the safety of the person working with the tool. If the saw jumps when hitting an obstacle and falls out of your hands, the brake will immediately stop the chain movement.
Assembly of the chainsaw
Before starting work, the saw must be assembled. This process is not complicated. It is only necessary to follow a certain sequence and, upon completion, make sure that the assembled structure is reliable. Pay special attention to the assembly of the saw set.
Important! Only mount the chain on the rail with special gloves!
Below is a detailed video review of chainsaw assembly
Retract the saw
A mandatory procedure before using the saw is breaking in. It is done to allow the engine parts to break in. The running-in process itself consists of the following points:
- Preparation of the mixture. To do this, oil and gasoline are mixed in the proportions specified in the instructions. It is advisable to use high-quality materials, since cheap analogues quickly lead to engine failure.
- Pour oil into the chain lubricating container. Checking availability is easy – place the saw on a piece of white paper and switch the saw on briefly. If oil stains appear on the sheet metal, the lubrication system is working.
- Start the saw and let it run with no load.
Important! Do not idle the saw for more than 15 minutes. Continuous work with the saw is carried out for no more than 3 hours.
How do you prepare the mixture?
In order for the chainsaw to work properly and not break down, it is advisable to choose only high-quality lubricants and, when mixing, to pay attention not only to the proportions, but also to the workflow.
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As a rule, engine oil or gear oil is used. You can only use the lubricant that is suitable for your engine. Those. if it is a two-stroke engine, we select the appropriate lubricant.
The octane number of gasoline is also indicated in the instructions, but they always use no less than AI-92. The mixing ratios are 1 liter of petrol and 30 ml of oil. A special container is used for mixing. First, part of the gasoline is poured, then all the oil and slightly shaken. Then the remaining gasoline is added.
How to cut with a chainsaw?
Many garden tool owners buy a chainsaw but then set it aside and don’t use it, arguing that it doesn’t work. When felling a trunk or sawing a tree, it is important to take the right position and properly hold the tool itself. The operator himself must hold the saw with both hands without bending or straining his back. If you have to bend down, the position of the body does not change, only the knees bend.
chainsaw functions
It is worth noting the versatility of operating a chainsaw, since it can be used to cut not only wood, but also foam blocks, aerated concrete, shell rock, chipboard and even stone. To cut the trunk, you should focus on the width of the tire and the diameter of the tree. Of course, sawing a thick tree with a jigsaw is difficult and tedious, but with patience it is possible. If chipboard needs to be cut, it is advisable to use a special tool that does not leave chips on the edges. However, if you don’t have one handy, you can use a low-powered chainsaw so it’s easier to check the flatness of the line.
When felling trees, it is important to take safety precautions as any confusion could result in injury. The procedure is as follows:
- Get the chainsaw out of the cut;
- Turn off the chainsaw;
- Below;
- Leave the work area taking into account the direction of fall of the tree.
The photo shows how to properly prune a tree.
Video review showing how to cut with a saw
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A little preparation is required to cut the trunk straight. It is necessary to fix the log to the base with screws. Then determine the center of the log and, using a spirit level with a pencil, draw a straight line. Screw in 2 screws anywhere along this line. Make cuts along the line at the top of the trunk. Then attach the rope to a screw and thread it through the notch along the entire length of the log. This is the line that defines the center and is what you need to focus on when sawing. Below is a detailed video tutorial on sawing down a tree
To perform work on adjusting the dimensions of a block of shell rock, aerated concrete or foam block, you should purchase a special chain. Some fishermen use a chainsaw to cut ice. Only in this case, they do not recommend using oil. To keep the tool intact and functional, ice sawing should be done carefully, avoiding touching the water. Wipe and lubricate the saw after all work.
In order to use a chainsaw to cut logs into boards as evenly as possible, special tables and carriages that resemble a sawmill frame are used. The design is holding the saw and the person moves it along the log with their hands on the carriage. Because the saw is fixed in one position, the cut is even.
A chainsaw is such a versatile tool that you can turn it into a snowmobile, snow blower, sawmill, grinder and even a moped if you wish. There are many attachments that you can use to upgrade the saw and make it multifunctional. Many are sold ready made, and some artisans make it themselves.
What problems can arise?
Many wonder why the chainsaw saws crookedly or falls on its side? This is because the chain tension has become loose or the teeth have been ground down. It can also cut crookedly from uneven sharpening. Therefore, all manufacturers strongly recommend conducting a technical inspection before each use of the tool.
Users are also interested in the question, why does the saw lead to the side? This happens due to uneven sharpening of the links. Sharpening is desirable to produce in specialized service centers. Another reason may be that the saw set does not match the saw model.
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The following faults can occur when operating the chainsaw:
- Motor problems
- Does not start. Check spark plugs, replace if necessary.
- Works unstably. Replace good quality fuel, check the filter.
- Turns off after power on. Check fuel filter or carburetor jet.
- It blocks when working under heavy loads.
- Problems with the ignition system are solved by replacing the spark plugs or cleaning the contacts. Perhaps the gap between the ignition coil and the magnet is set incorrectly.
- Problems with the fuel system
- The tool is muted. The fuel mixture may not have been properly prepared. You can fix the problem by replacing the ingredients with quality ones while observing the proportions.
- It goes out at idle. Clean a clogged muffler, air filter, or check carburetor settings.
- It goes out at high RPM. Clean air and fuel filters. Perhaps the tank vent needs cleaning, so you need to remove the dirt.
- It will stop under heavy load. The carburettor is incorrectly adjusted.
- No fuel pump. This problem often occurs after the tool has been idle for a long time. Check the operation of the carburetor.
Tips and Tricks
In order to avoid problems with the chainsaw and get it to work properly, you should follow the rules of its operation:
- Compliance with safety regulations.
- Shrinkage after purchase.
- Check chip thickness regularly. If small, you need to sharpen the chain. When the chain is sharp, the chip thickness is about 3-4mm.
- Do not cut with the end of the rod.
- It is advisable to replace parts from the same manufacturer as the saw model.
- If you are new to sawing, practice on low speed models.
video ratings
Video tutorial on working with a chainsaw for beginners
Video review of cutting ice with a chainsaw
Video tutorial on sawing a gas block
Device for sawing logs into boards
Chainsaw Carving Lesson
Owner Feedback
A chainsaw is always useful on the farm. This is a multifunctional device that will help you when you need to cut the log into firewood or planks, as well as cutting gas blocks and foam blocks. I even go fishing with it in winter because it cuts 50 cm thick ice with no problem.
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