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Stihl 170-MS chainsaw overview: specifications, maintenance, problems, experience and owner reviews


Stihl 170-ms chainsaw is a lightweight and compact hand saw, the main advantage of which is the optimal combination of technical characteristics and low price. According to the owners, the Stihl 170-ms is one of the most affordable models in the household chainsaw segment. Stihl.

Überblick über die Motorsäge Stihl 170-MS. Spezifikationen, Beschreibung, Betriebs- und Wartungsanweisungen

Chainsaw Stihl 170-MS

The main purpose of this chainsaw is garden maintenance, use as an auxiliary tool in the woodworking industry, sawing small-diameter logs, logging and wood-related construction work. The maximum log diameter that this saw model can quickly cut is 30 cm.

The recommended price for a chainsaw at an official Stihl dealer is 4039 UAH.

The power of the Calm 170-ms chainsaw is 1800 watts. This is the optimal performance for housework and private, non-professional use.

The displacement of the chainsaw motor is 30.1 cm³.

Basic equipment, equipment, assembly and production country

Basic equipment chainsaw Calm 170-ms:

  • disassembled saw (tire, chain, sprocket);
  • case;
  • universal wrench for assembly;
  • Instructions and warranty card.

Country of assembly: USA. Country of origin: United States. Copies of original models are usually made in China.

Technical characteristics

Technical data rest 170 ms:

  • idle speed – 2800 per minute;
  • maximum speed – 8500;
  • hoop length 35 cm;
  • STIHL Oilomatic Picco Micro 3 chain with 3/8 pitch;
  • chainsaw weight is 4 kg;
  • fuel tank volume 250 ml;
  • vibration level – from 4.2 to 5.9 m / s²;
  • noise level 109 dB;
  • the average duration of work at a gas station of a tank is 60 minutes.

Überblick über die Motorsäge Stihl 170-MS. Spezifikationen, Beschreibung, Betriebs- und Wartungsanweisungen

Chainsaw Stihl 170-MS

Use and maintenance instructions

Maintenance and operating instructions for the Stihl 170-ms chainsaw:

  • as with other chainsaw models, it is recommended to work with stihl 170-ms in protective gear;
  • Chainsaw maintenance is carried out according to the schedule: once a month – monitoring the ignition system, cleaning the air filter, replacing the candle, once a quarter or more often – cleaning the fuel filter, once a year or less often – adjusting the carburetors;
  • Make sure that the chain and the tire are constantly lubricated, this improves the cutting quality.
  • Do not cut with the end of the rail as this will increase kickback and jam the rail.
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User manual chainsaw Shtil-170

The main disturbances of Calm 170-ms and their elimination

  1. Severe heating of the saw. Cause: Intensive use, too long operation without switching off. Remedy: Operate the chainsaw in the permissible intensity range, no longer than 1 hour without switching off.
  2. The chainsaw does not start or stops immediately after starting. Cause: clogged filters, soot on the spark plug. Remedy: Clean the filter, remove carbon deposits from the candle (or replace it with a new one).
  3. When sawing, the chainsaw produces only small chips and runs “tightly” on the wood. Reason: The chain is blunt. Remedy: Replace or sharpen chain.

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Owner feedback

“Advantages: The saw is excellent, the price is particularly pleasing and affordable when buying and now, three years later, it is an ideal tool for farming and for the home.

Cons: There are many fakes for it both in stores and in the gear markets. I recommend buying only from trusted stores.

The controls are very comfortable, the saw is light in weight, if for some reason you have to work with chainsaws other than the stihl 170, then that is very unusual.”

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